Saturday, June 1, 2024

Abbas Amanat’s Engaging History of Iran: Book Review

By Ariane Moshiri Abbas Amanat's "Iran: A Modern History" is the culmination of decades of patient and careful scholarship. For those who may be intimidated by the 1,000-page opus, Amanat writes in engaging prose, and offers...

New Book Takes Close Look at Iran’s Presidential System

By Tara Biglari "The Quest for Authority in Iran: A History of the Presidency from Revolution to Rouhani" is a new book that delves deep into the workings of the presidency in post-revolutionary Iran. Written...

A Satire on the Iranian Diaspora: Interview with Author Bahiyyih Nakhjavani

By Peyman Pejman Few cultures have seen as much disruption, assimilation, and contradiction as the Iranian culture has – and not just in the past few decades. Understanding the dynamics and parameters of cultural change...

Fighting for Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights: A Talk with Author Diana Nammi

By Tara Biglari Diana Nammi has spent the past few decades fighting to protect Iranian and Kurdish women against so-called honor killings, forced marriage, child marriage and domestic abuse. In a recent talk in north...

Book Review: Memoirs Of An Iranian Rebel, Masoud Banisadr

By Amir Taheri You are young and unhappy because you think your people lack the freedom they deserve. So, you join a group that promises a new dawn of humanity only if you agree to...

Iran’s Clerics Will Be ‘Finished’ After Khamenei, Says Author Arash Azizi

 By Ahmad Rafat "What Iranians Want" – by the Iranian-born author and academic Arash Azizi -- is one of the first books to be published on the protest movement sparked by the September 2022 killing...

Author Alexandra Monir Writes Sci-Fi Book With Iranian-American Female Lead

By Fred Parvaneh Alexandra Monir is the Iranian-American author of five published young adult novels, including the bestselling time-travel romance "Timeless" (a Barnes & Noble bestseller and an Amazon Best Book of the Month). It...

The Islamic Revolution Through the Eyes of an Iranian-Australian Emigre

By Julie Ershadi Decades have passed since the 1978-79 Islamic Revolution. Yet Iranians around the world are still busy telling their stories of upheaval, exile, and healing. Mehran Rafiei is one such Iranian. A computer...

Want to Be a Video Journalist? Read Vivien Morgan’s New Book

By Peyman Pejman The advent of new technologies and the changing nature of journalism have given rise to a generation of amateurs and professionals who are using increasingly advanced videorecorders and digital cameras to document history as it happens.

Award-winning Author Khakpour Writes Memoir of Her Illness

Porochista Khakpour is an acclaimed Iranian-American author and academic whose memoir "Sick: A Memoir" – about her battle with Lyme Disease – is due to be published by HarperCollins in May 2018. Khakpour's debut novel...