The Week in Review: October 21st – October 28th
KayhanLife · Flash Briefing 28.10.22
Oct. 28 - Britain’s government accused Iran and Russia of breaking a United Nations resolution over Tehran’s alleged supply of drones to Moscow, because the states did not get prior...
Kayhan Life Interviews Iranian Girl Arrested and Tortured For Writing Slogan
By Firouzeh Nordstrom
Footage posted on social media shows that composing slogans has become a growing trend in the recent nationwide protests sparked by the death of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old who died while...
UN Expert on Iran to Hold Human Rights Briefing Amid Nationwide Protests
By Natasha Phillips
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Islamic Republic of Iran, Javaid Rehman, will hold a briefing at the UN’s headquarters in New York on Oct. 27 to address the state of human...
ANALYSIS: Women-Led Protests Are Shifting the West’s Attitude Towards Iran
By Ahmad Rafat
Western governments and politicians have finally focused their collective attention on the nationwide protests in Iran, sparked by the death of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a 22-year-old woman, who died while in the...
Prince Reza Pahlavi : ‘The Alternative to the Islamic Republic is the Iranian nation’
By Kayhan Life Staff
At a press conference in WashingtonD.C. yesterday, Prince Reza Pahlavi hailed Iranians for imposing their “ will not only on the streets of Iran but also in the decision and policy-making...
The Week in Review: October 14th – October 21st
KayhanLife · Flash Briefing 21.10.22
Oct. 21 - A teacher’s union in Iran said Asra Panahi, a 15-year-old girl had died after being beaten by Iran’s security forces during a raid carried out on her...
German Lawmakers Support Iran’s Women in Web Conference
By Natasha Phillips
Prominent German lawmakers and civil society advocates explored ways of supporting the ongoing protests by women in Iran, in an Oct. 20 online conference organized by the Berlin-based research and advocacy organization...
IRGC Trains Minors as Riot Police Without Parental Consent, Report Says
By Kayhan Life Staff
A series of photographs that have reportedly come out of Iran show boys aged 12 to 16 in Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) uniforms.
Several IRGC officers allegedly visited an all-boys high...