By Chef Orly Elyashar (@myghosthost on Instagram)
This refreshing apple drink is a traditional first sip after the Yom Kippur fast.

- peeled and coarse grated sweet apples
- rose water
- cane sugar
- Ice
- Cold water
I remember my parents rushing home from services on Yom Kippur and opening their fast with this. This drink is made with the sweetest apples you can find.
You first want to peel them and grab some sort of bowl and coarse grate them onto your serving glass. You could do this in advance and chill in the fridge. Add in the desired amount of rose water you like, and add in some sugar to your liking.
Fill up your glass halfway with some cold water, mix it all up and add in our ice.
Wishing all who observe a beautiful and wonderful year ahead, Cheers.