Zoya Biglary is a 33-year-old vegan chef and influencer who is the creator and CEO of Fysh, a plant-based raw fish product. She is also famous for her fruit-peeling videos on TikTok and Instagram, where she has over 344,000 followers and collaborates with her partner Alix Traeger.

“1. For our Persian Steak we are using a ribeye cause fat equals flavor.
2. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Sprinkle turmeric and onion powder on both sides of steak, even the edges.
4. I use a Hexclad pan for this recipe, as pan gets hot, add in some butter and the neutral oil.
5. Place the steak in the pan and let it cook. We are looking for a good crust.
6. Add in more butter, couple cloves of
garlic and some liquid saffron.
7. Baste frequently.
8. Take the steak out of the pan and let it rest.
9. Make the sauce by slicing rehydrated Persian shallots and add them in bowl with fresh chopped dill, salt and Labne (Strained Yogurt (Persian: ماست کشیده))
10. Spread Labne mixture on a plate.
Slice the steak and place it on top of the Labne.
11. Finish off with some sumac, flaky salt and some dill.”