Persian Love Smoothie

This recipe was kindly shared by Azi Parssian. 

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Serves 1

You can easily adapt this smoothie to suit your own taste. Use this as a guide, taste and adjust to your liking. Rosewater can easily overpower the whole thing, so be sure to start with a small amount, and if you need to add more, add it drop by drop.

1/2 cup full fat thick yogurt (or coconut yogurt if dairy-free)
1/2 cup milk of your choice
1/2 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen
1 tsp tahini (sesame paste)
1/2 – 1 medjool date (or large soft date)
1 tsp avocado (or 1/2 small ripe banana)
1/8 tsp rosewater
1/8 tsp cinnamon
a tiny small pinch of ground cardamom (optional)
1/4 cup pistachios
1 tbs sesame seeds

Pop the pistachios and sesame seeds onto an oven tray and bake for 5-7 minutes at 180 C / 350 F until just starting to color – you should be able to smell them, yum! Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Place all ingredients aside from the pistachios and sesame seeds into a blender and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust as necessary.

Transfer the smoothie into your serving glass or bowl, and top with roughly chopped pistachios and sesame seeds. Feel free to decorate with pretty rosebuds too. Enjoy! Nooshe joon!

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