Iranian Naan Khamei (Persian Cream Puff Pastry) 

By: Persian Good

To make Naan Khamei, you need to prepare the dough and then the cream.


  • 50 g Butter
  • ½ teasp Sugar
  • 200 g Water or milk equal to one unit or glass of water
  • 125 g Flour
  • 4 Egg
  • ¼ teasp Baking powder
  • ¼ teasp Vanilla
  • 300 g Whipped cream


  • Mix the butter, water and sugar together and put them in a suitable dish. You need to heat the dish in order to have them melted. When the water is boiling add the flour into it and stir it perfectly. Before you add the flour to the water, you should sift it at least twice. Keep stirring to have the dough in the center of the bowl. Then discard the bowl and let it cool for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Preheat the oven to the 200 cg heat. Because when you intend to place the tray in the oven, it needs to be hot.
  • Pick another bowl and break the eggs. Beat the eggs properly also whisk the prepared dough with the electric whisk. Then add the eggs to the paste gradually and in different stages with several pauses. The dough should absorb the eggs completely. Then add the vanilla and baking powder for both removal of the bad smell and the puffing of the dough. The prepared dough should not be too condensed or too smooth. You need to put the dough through the funnel and place the dough as the size of a walnut or a bit bigger on the tray. These are the noons or naans (the container of the cream) and they need to bake for at least 30 minutes with 300 cg and become double or triple in size. The baked noons should be empty in the inside. When they are discarded from the oven and cooled a bit, make a hole in their bottoms and that is the way you are going to fill them with whipped cream.
  • The cream you bought from the pastry shop can be whipped easily. Fill the noons with whipped cream using a funnel and let them rest for 1 or 2 hours in the fridge. Noon khameis are ready. You can garnish them using melted chocolate.

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