Grilled Lamb’s Testicles (Dombalan)

Video by: Persian Cuisine

Written Recipe by Chichi Wang

There are two main options to consider when cooking lamb testicles. If you are primarily concerned with flavor, then grilling the testicles imparts a smokiness that complements the gamey undertone of the glands. Grilling also offers the advantage of retaining the testicles in their whole form. The outer membrane not only crisps and chars on the grilll, it also keeps the testicles juicy as they cook.


  • 1 pair lamb’s testicles
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Lemon juice to garnish


  • Grilled Lamb’s Testicles:
    Set up your grill, preferably charcoal, so that there’s room on the grill to cook the testicles indirectly.
  • Salt and pepper the testicles and place them on the grill for 10 to 15 minutes, until the outside surface is nicely charred. The tissue may burst during the process.
  • When they are done, remove the testicles from the grill and cut into slices 1/3-inch thick. Garnish with lemon juice and more salt and pepper to taste.

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