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Recipe by


Need one pot and a mixer with the whisk attached
Wooden spoon
8 by 8 container lined with oiled parchment paper
Preheat oven to 200F

4 egg whites
3 drops of lemon juice
3/4 cup glucose
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup water

1 1/2 cup glucose
1cup Sugar
1TBSP rose water
1 1/2 cup raw pistachios
1 1/2 cup raw almonds

Prepare an 8 by 8 pan and cover with parchment paper.

1)In a very clean mixer with the whisk attachment
Whisk the egg whites and lemon juice to a stiff peak
2) cook the first sugar, glucose, and water together to 220F
Brush the sides of the mixture while it is cooking to avoid crystallization
3) turn the mixer containing the egg whites on low and start pouring the cooked sugar from the side very slowly; keep whisking for about 8 minutes.
4) cook the second sugar and glucose mixture to 280, again brushing the sides with water.
While the sugar is cooking, warm up the pistachios and almonds in an oven at 200F till they are warmed thru.
5) once the sugar mixture reaches 280 pour it all into the bowl of egg white sugar mixture and mix with a wooden spoon. Add the rose water and nuts and keep on stirring till all mixed.

At this point, you have to work fast.
Oil your hands and utensils first, then
Pour all egg white mix in the pan you have already lined with parchment paper, once all in the pan put another parchment on top and roll with a rolling pen.

Wait minimum 3 hours to over night and then cut with a Knife and Noosh e Jaan.