The Week in Review: May 17th – May 24th

May 24 – Iranians in Iran and around the world welcomed the news that Ibrahim Raisi, Iran’s President, had died in a helicopter crash this week.

Raisi, who was nicknamed the Butcher of Tehran for his role in sentencing thousands of political prisoners to death in the 1980s, was a hardline politician who also oversaw a record-breaking number of executions in recent years after nationwide anti-government protests swept the country.

Protesters in Iran, as well as family members of the prisoners of conscience who were executed shared their feelings on social media, with some expressing joy and relief.

A Jewish-Iranian man sentenced to death for allegedly murdering a man when he was 18 has been given a stay of execution.

Arvin Nathaniel Ghahremani allegedly killed a man in self defense two years ago after being attacked with a knife, according to opposition news outlet Iran International.

Arvin’s death has been postponed for one month, after intense campaigning by his family and international human rights organizations.

And the United Kingdom urged Iran to stop its support for Russia, at a United Nations Security Council meeting held on Monday.

The call included a warning that the supply of ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia would be seen as a “significant escalation” which could increase the geographical scope of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.

The Islamic Republic has been accused of supplying Russia with more than 400 short range missiles, and Shahed drones designed to attack targets on the ground.

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