Iranian Schools Must Stop Teaching Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, Cleric Says

Iranian schools must remove Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution from their curriculum, the Aftab online news has reported Grand Ayatollah Jaffar Sobhani, a Shia Marja (source of emulation), as saying.

“We must identify and eliminate any subject that contradicts Islamic principles from our education programs,” Ayatollah Sobhani said in a meeting with the Iranian Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Mansour Gholami, earlier this month. 

“For instance, we must remove any reference to Darwin’s theory of evolution from all textbooks, because it undermines Islamic values and teachings,” he added.


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Mr. Sobhani, who is a former member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of the holy city of Qom, and the founder of the Imam Sadegh Institute, said: “The country’s teachers and university lecturers must have impeccable academic and religious credentials.”

Sobhani also warned Mr. Gholami of “the rising disregard for the hijab law in universities.” He urged the minister to “devise a robust system to enforce mandatory hijab in universities.” 

“University students are divine gifts which we must cherish,” Sobhani noted. “We must educate and train them correctly and in line with Islamic values. We must develop more courses in humanities because a large segment of university students studies the development and progress of human societies and cultures.”

Sobhani also warned against universities accepting too many students, arguing that “it will increase the unemployment rate.”

He said: “The number of job opportunities in the country must determine the enrollment rate in universities.”

[Translated from Persian by Fardine Hamidi]