Omid Nouripour, a German-Iranian member of the German Parliament [Bundestag], has called on the European Union and its member states to take a stance on the recent protests in Iran.

Nouripour, who represents the central German state of Hesse, told the daily Heilbronner Stimme: “The nuclear deal shouldn’t prevent Europeans from speaking out against human rights violations in Iran.”
“The EU must warn Iran that a repeat of the bloody events of 2009 [protests following the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] would end Tehran’s improved relations with Europe.”
Omid Nouripour was born in 1988 in Tehran. His family migrated to Germany and settled in Frankfurt when Omid was a child. He was elected to the parliament in 2006.
Between 2006 and 2013, Nouripour was a member of the Defence Committee as well as of the Budget Committee. He has been a member of the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid since 2014.