Passing of Camila Batmanghelidjh: Statement From Her Family

The following is a statement issued by the family of the social justice campaigner and Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh, who passed away at the age of 61, “after a period of failing health.”

“Camila died peacefully in her sleep the night of January 1, following a birthday celebration with her family.

Camila dedicated her life to advocating for Britain’s most vulnerable children. In 1996, she founded Kids Company, which pioneered new therapeutic and clinical models to achieve a singular goal: ‘To see children and young people become safe and able to realise their potential.’

Working alongside her devoted colleagues and dedicated volunteers, Camila changed the lives of tens of thousands of children and young people in London, Bristol, and Liverpool otherwise neglected by a failing child protection system. She showed these children that they were worthy of love and support.

For all those around her, and especially for her family, she was an endless source of inspiration, a fountain of wit, and a kaleidoscope of colour.

Camila’s family hopes that her memory will inspire others to consider how they might protect and uplift vulnerable children. As she once wrote, ‘their courage deserves this reflection.’”

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[aesop_document type=”pdf” src=”” title=”Camila Repose_and Funeral Details” caption=”Camila Repose_and Funeral Details” download=”on”]

Camila Batmanghelidj, Social Justice Campaigner, Dies At 61