Internal Migration Affected Nearly 750,000 Iranians Last Year

By Azadeh Karimi

A total of 711,154 Iranians migrated to various parts of the country during the calendar year ending March 20, the Tasnim News Agency reported, citing a recent study by the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Affairs.

The data showed that 52.8 percent of people migrated for family reasons, 10 percent to find employment, and 6.5 percent to seek better jobs than the ones they had.

Of the 711,154 internal migrants, 234,640 had left their full-time jobs, and 68,752 were unemployed. In addition, 588,312 and 122,841 migrants, respectively, moved from towns and rural areas to major urban centers.

[aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” credit=”FILE PHOTO: People walk through the Tajrish Bazaar in Tehran, Iran August 1, 2019. Nazanin Tabatabaee. REUTERS. ” align=”center” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]

The data on urban migration alone showed that 53.9 percent of people moved for family reasons, 10.1 percent to find employment and 6.4 percent to seek better job opportunities.

The figures for rural migration showed that 47.8 percent of people moved for family reasons, 13.5 percent after completing their military service, and 9.1 percent to find employment.

Family and employment considerations were the primary causes of migration for people with full-time jobs. Getting an education, finishing school, and enlisting in the military did not play a significant role in this group’s decision to migrate.

The data showed a direct correlation between the worsening of economic conditions and a rise in domestic migration.

[Translated from Persian by Fardine Hamidi]