The Week in Review: February 16th – February 23rd

Feb. 23 – The United Kingdom called on Iran’s government to rein in the terrorist group Daesh, following ongoing attacks by Iran regime-aligned militia groups against coalition forces working to stop Daesh’s malign activities in the Middle East.

Daesh, which is also known as the Islamic State and ISIS, has largely been contained in the region but still poses a threat to global security.

The British government also urged Iran’s regime to deescalate tensions in the region.

A new survey published by the Netherlands-based Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in Iran (GAMAAN) found that 77 percent of Iranians polled would not vote in Iran’s upcoming elections in March.

The survey also found that 75 percent were no longer in favor of an Islamic Republic governing the country, while 35 percent blamed Hamas for the current conflict in the Middle East, and 31 percent blamed both Israel and Hamas.

And a sharp rise in the number of plastic surgery procedures in Iran in recent years, particularly among women, has alarmed surgeons in the country who say the increased demand could be related to social media influencers and a growing pressure to look perfect.

Iran has historically been a hub for plastic surgery, with rhinoplasty remaining one of the most popular procedures. Data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Isaps) showed that at least 320,000 surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures were performed in the country in 2022, compared with 151,000 procedures in 2016.

The rise in plastic surgery, which was reported by the Financial Times this week, has been linked to unrealistic Western beauty standards which may also be eroding Iranian identity, according to some surgeons in Iran.

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