Flash Briefing: Sep. 27, 2024

Sep. 27 – The Islamic Republic of Iran is believed to have carried out a cyber attack against targets in Sweden last year, according to the country’s security services.

The operation took place in August 2023 as hackers hijacked a text messaging service and sent 15,000 texts telling Swedes to “take revenge” for the burning of Qurans in the country.

Three Quran burnings in Sweden were recorded in 2023 which caused a global outcry among Muslims.

Iranian laborers on oil rigs are being exposed to fatal working conditions including operating equipment that is not being properly maintained and the use of unsafe spaces for large gas turbines.

The shocking conditions were revealed in a report by the Tehran-based Hammihan newspaper, which also said the laborers were earning minimal salaries.

Iran’s former oil minister Javad Oji, estimated that billions of dollars would need to be invested to make the necessary improvements to the oil and petrochemical sectors.

And Iran’s water shortage reached another crisis point, as new satellite images revealed growing sinkholes and significant cracks, as well as acute land subsidence across the country.

Researchers have attributed the crisis to groundwater extraction, which if carried out without proper environmental controls can lead to contaminated water and the decline of ecosystems in the region.

The researchers added that it could take hundreds to thousands of years before the water in Iran is renewed.

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